
Cheat Your Way Thin Review Joel Marion

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Cheat Your Way Thin

Author: Joel Marion

Official Website: Cheat Your Way Thin

Cheat Your Way Thin Product Description:

Cheat Your Way Thin Fat Loss ProgramCheat Your Way Thin works on the premise that by restricting calories day in and day out, it's nearly impossible for your body to lose weight. In fact, it will tend to hold on to body fat for dear life because it thinks you're trying to starve it. This starvation response dates back to the caveman days where holding on to body fat was a true survival mechanism.

Joel Marion, the creator of the Cheat Your Way Thin plan stumbled onto this secret by complete accident. Now he's sharing his plan for tricking your body into thinking you're not dieting when you really are. This forces your body to cooperate and let go of excess fat so you can lose weight. You might call it "strategic cheating" that can help your diet work better. The key here is the stratgic part, which is what Joel covers in his course.

The course comes complete with a manual, audios, strategies video, quick reference cards, workbook, journal and quick-start checklist. Literally, it includes everything you need to be successful with the plan from planning to motivation to implementation.

Click Here Now For More Details About Cheat Your Way Thin

Cheat Your Way Thin Review & Product Research:

The author, Joel Marion, teaches his clients how to triple their fat loss results by eating their favorite foods in a strategic way. He takes an "anti-diet" approach to fat loss and has been extremely successful with it.

You may have heard of Joel before as he's been featured in several top fitness publications and in 2001 was named the Body-For-Life Transformation Challenge winner. He's also a certified sports nutritionist and personal trainer. The Cheat Your Way Thin program is the result of several years of research, working with clients and perfecting his unique fat loss method.

The best features of this program include the following:

  • Your metabolism stays high on this program so you can avoid the increased difficulty of continuous weight loss associated with traditional diets.
  • It helps maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible during the fat loss process.
  • You're allowed to eat your favorite foods as part of the plan.
  • It's a program that can be realistically followed as part of a normal, healthy lifestyle. This helps ensure you can maintain your results over the long term.

A word of caution... you do need to be careful of going overboard on your favorite foods. If you have a particular trigger food that causes you to lose control with your eating, you may wish to omit it from your "favorites" for purposes of this plan. Although you're allowed to eat your favorite foods, there are rules that you need to follow.

Joel offers an upgrade package in addition to the basic program. If you need a real jump-start it's definitely worth considering. For starters, you get an email-based consultation directly with Joel. This could prove invaluable to your weight loss efforts.

In addition to the one-on-one consultation with Joel, the upgrade package also includes meal plans, recipes, workouts and a calorie calculator. While the basic package is sufficient if you're someone who takes action easily, the upgrade is great for those who need an added boost.

Click Here To Visit The Official Cheat Your Way Thin Website

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Accuracy Disclosure: dietguidereports.com has not directly tested this product, but has conducted research into the alleged results of other users who claim to have used the product. The accuracy of both the publisher's research and alleged user results cannot be guaranteed.
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